Earn CDA training hours powered by the Environment Rating Scales.

Branagh Group offers CDA training hours through LearnERS, enabling career enhancement tailored to a wide variety of individual needs and learning styles. Available in English and Spanish, each learning module is designed around key points of quality based on the Environment Rating Scales. LearnERS provides CDA training hours in the first three of the eight CDA subject areas. To learn more about how to pursue a CDA credential with LearnERS, click here.

The CDA credential is role-based. To view the available courses, choose your role as an infant-toddler, preschool, or family child care provider below and explore the modules from CDA subject areas 1, 2, and 3 that are of interest to you.

Your CDA 



Family Child
Care Courses

The CDA is awarded by the Council of Professional Recognition. To learn about all the requirements to obtain a CDA, click here.