The Observation Manager acts as the control center for the ERS Data System. From this screen, you can see and sort the list of observations you’ve done, run reports, create new observations and contact the Data Warehouse among other tasks.
The Observation Manager Sidebar
To get more observations, you must upload at least one observation. For more information on uploading observations, go to Uploading an Observation The Reliability Reminder, organized by assessment type, provides an “at a glance” look at the number of days and observations since your last reliability check. For more information on how to conduct a reliability assessment see the Inter-Rater Reliability Tool and the Inter-Rater Reliability Quick Guide You can access the Report Wizard from the sidebar or from the Application Menu. Running the Report Wizard allows you to pick an observation and run any of the standard reports on it. For more information on the available reports go to The Report Wizard A “lookup” is a general term for something that you want to enter into the system one time and refer to in many observations. You will need to go to the Lookups area on the Observation Manager when you need to edit an assessor’s name, or when you need to add a new facility or edit an existing one. For more information see Add or Edit a Facility If Online Training is included in your contract you can access the login portal from the sidebar.